Monday, May 3, 2010

Plan B by Pete Wilson

Plan B

Through Thomas Nelson Publishing Company I was able to read an advance copy of Pete Wilson's upcoming book entitled Plan B. In this book Pastor Pete discusses the situation many Christians face sooner or later in which they react by saying....."This isn't what I planned", or "This isn't what I expected" or maybe there is no reaction at all because we are just in shock. What do you do when God doesn't show up the way you thought He would?

This was the first time I heard of Pastor Pete and his ministry. I can tell he is a Pastor of a large congregation and thus probably has many people that have been discipled under his ministry. So I hesitate critiquing his book since I certainly don't have his expertise or training. However, I'm afraid this book didn't keep my attention at all. And believe me, if there is a Plan B, I am on Plan M & N by now. And I have definitely read books by Christian authors to help me get through some tough times. But the illustrations in this book have been experienced by many people. And the examples of Bible characters. Well, didn't their Plan B really turn into Plan A?

I think the biggest disappointment for me was that I kept looking for Romans 8:28 to be applied somewhere in this book and how all things work together for good. NOT that ALL things are GOOD. But that they work together for good for those who LOVE GOD. That has helped me the most in my Christian life and also in helping others along the way.

Even though this book fell short in my expectations, I would recommend using it in a Bible study as it has some good study questions at the end. Also a new believer might benefit from this book.


Anonymous Susan said...

Very similar to my thoughts! I, too, hesitated to give a negative review, but the whole feel/tone of the book felt "off" to me. Your point about Romans 8:28 is well taken as well.

May 3, 2010 at 5:26 AM  

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